Zerrissene Sonne (Torn sun)

Zerrissene Sonne (Torn sun)

"You will be alone on the big night ... The young girl, who is only called Tête Fêlée, or "spinner", constantly hears this prophecy from "Papa", who is admittedly not her real father. After all, Papa has made a career as the best mercenary of the "metal angel", the most powerful gangster in the neighborhood, while her mother Fleur d'Orange has to prostitute herself. When Fleur d'Orange unintentionally foils a coup by the metal angel, an avalanche is set in motion ...
Tête Fêlée's story oscillates between her experiences of violence, assault and an impossible childhood in the slums of Port-au-Prince and the letter to a classmate with whom she is in love, which she never starts. But this love is not her only secret ...

A unique novel in which sarcasm and innocence combine to create gruesome poetry, awarded the Prix Montluc Résistance et Liberté and the Prix Dubreuil du premier roman by the Société des Gens de Lettres." (Publisher)

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