Martin Egblewogbe


Martin Egblewogbe is the author of the collection of short stories, The Waiting (lubin & kleyner, 2020) and Mr Happy and The Hammer of God and other Stories (Ayebia, 2012). His writing has appeared in a number of collections, such as The Gonjon Pin (2014 Caine Prize anthology), PEN America’s Passages Africa (2015), All The Good Things Around Us (Ayebia, 2016), Litro #162: Literary Highlife (2017), Between The Generations (2020), Shimmering At Sunset (2021) and Voices That Sing Behind The Veil (2022). Martin was the commissioning editor for the anthology Resilience: A Collection (2021), and also co-edited the anthology of short stories, The Sea Has Drowned the Fish (2018) as well as the anthologies of poetry Look where you have gone to sit (Woeli, 2010) and According to Sources (Woeli, 2015). He is a co-founder and a director of the Writers Project of Ghana, and director of Pa Gya! A Literary Festival in Accra. He also hosts the radio show, Writers Project on Citi FM. He is a lecturer at the Department of Physics, University of Ghana, Legon.