

"Huckleberry Finn" becomes a novel of freedom - in "James", Percival Everett reinvents the classic of American literature. Captivating, funny, subversive

Jim plays the fool. It would be too dangerous if the whites knew how intelligent and educated he is. When they want to sell him to New Orleans, he flees north with Huck to freedom. On the Mississippi, one adventure follows the next: storms, floods, encounters with swindlers and blackface singers. Again and again Jim has to juggle his black identity in order to save himself and his young friend. Percival Everett's "James" is one of the definitive novels of our time, an outrageous provocation that touches the very foundations of the American myth. A classic turned on its head that shakes us up and asks: How do we read today? Captivating, funny, subversive. (Publisher)

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